Lago Trasimeno and Cortona

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  5. Lago Trasimeno and Cortona

An Oasis of Nature and History

Located in the northern part of Umbria, on the border with Tuscany, Lake Trasimeno is a real natural paradise. The fourth largest lake in Italy, it owes its name to an ancient legend about Prince Trasimeno and his love for the nymph Agilla. Compared by Lord Byron to “a silver veil”, over the centuries the lake has charmed countless poets, painters and travelers. The Regional Park is characterized by a humid area, where, among lush reeds one can observe wild ducks, cormorants, kites and kingfishers. In fact, the lake has always represented an important wintering, resting and breeding area for aquatic birds and a perfect habitat for fish species to reproduce.

Place of enchanting beauty, Lake Trasimeno offers various possibilities both from a historical, artistic and naturalistic point of view. Breathtaking views and small villages such as Passignano and Castiglione del Lago, where time seems to have stopped.

Noleggio bus e visita Lago Trasimeno
Noleggio bus e visita Cortona

Cortona - Magical City surrounded by History and Nature

Ancient Etruscan lucumony part of the Etruscan dodecapolis, Cortona is located in the south of the province of Arezzo near the border with Umbria ,on a hill almost 500 meters above sea level. Cortona is still located in a strategic position that allows, with short trips, to reach important artistic and cultural centers. Cortona is a small city but full of places and experiences to offer to those who come to know it. It has a very ancient history, from the Etruscans up to the present day, narrated by prestigious archaeological, historical and artistic testimonies in an environmental context that is still almost uncontaminated with unique atmospheres. There are many and varied events to enjoy and experience this Tuscan town such as the Festival “Under the Tuscan Sun” based on the novel of the same name by Frances Mayes and film.


Informazioni sul tour

Il tour include un’intera giornata in Valnerina con soste a Cerreto di Spoleto, Vallo di Nera e Scheggino e visita delle Cascate delle Marmore.

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