Assisi – Spello

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World heritage of Unesco, international capital of Peace, home-town of Saint Francis and beautifully set in the Umbrian landscape, Assisi is world famous and visited both by pilgrims and cultural tourists. The Basilica of Saint Francis is one of Italy’s most important religious sites and the cultural highlight of Umbria. A private guided tour inside the church will tell the story of this famous Saint (†1226) who preached poverty, peace and respect for all living creatures.

The imposing architecture and the world famous frescoes are a milestone in the History of Arts and offer a stunning visual experience until the present day. A walk through the charming intact medieval town includes other important sites linked to Saint Francis and Saint Claire and the Roman Minervatemple.
Assisi is truly the pearl of Umbria at the foot of Mount Subasio.


Spello is a charming little town located on the other extremity of Mount Subasio and built completely with the local pink and white limestone. Called “Hispellum” by the Romans, ancient remains can be seen everywhere. You can still enter town through an original roman towngate and visit the Villa dei Mosaici, discovered only recently and beautifully presented to the visitor. Walking through the medieval centre and the narrow streets, it is possible to reach the various viewpoints overlooking the Umbrian valley. 
One of the most impressive Renaissance fresco cycles in Umbria is in the church of  Santa Maria Maggiore. It was painted by Pinturicchio on a commission of the powerful Baglioni family.

Spello is also called the city of flowers. All year round, flowers will adorn balconies, windows, doorways and streets. But it is during the famous Festival of flowers or “Infiorata” that a colorful carpet made of flower petals and vegetal material will cover the main streets.


Informazioni sul tour

Il tour include la visita di Assisi con visita guidata privata nella Basilica di San Francesco * e la visita di Spello con la Cappella Baglioni e la Villa dei Mosaici

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