Marmore falls and the Valnerina

La Valnerina

The Valnerina is the Valley of the Nera, a 116km long river, affluent of the Tiberriver. The river winds it’s way from the Sibillini mountains through a tortuous valley, at times forming a narrow gorge in a splendidly well preserved landscape. Along its way, the river receives the water from various torrents and from the spectacular Marmore Waterfalls. Picturesque villages can be found along the way. They developed when agricultural communities decided to bundle their ressources and live together inside secure walls. Splendid landscapes, silent forests, steep mountains attracted hermites and monks who found places for prayer and meditation. This area full of spirituality was also the birthplace of Saint Benedict, patron saint of Europe.

Itinerario turistico in valnerina

The Highest Waterfalls in Europe

The Cascate delle Marmore or Marmore Falls are the highest man-made Falls in Europe. They are located in the Nera Valley, near Terni, and are part of the Regional Nera River Park. These Falls were created by the Romans more than 2000 years ago by diverting the Velino river and let it drop 165 m into the river Nera. Today the water is mostly used to produce hydroelectric energy and so the Falls are at full capacity only during certain hours of the day.

The thrill to experience the incredible natural forces and sound attracted many visitors over the centuries. Musicians and Poets were inspired by it and one can understand why Lord Byron called it “Horribly Beautiful”. Today you can observe the Falls from below at the Belvedere Inferiore and from above at the Belvedere Superiore. A network of paths offer various closeby views if you are not afraid of the spray of the water.

Inside the park it is also possible to walk six fascinating well-marked trails, which will allow you to admire the water jumps from multiple perspectives and fully enjoy the views of striking beauty. Not only nature, but also art: visit the remains of industrial archeology and hydraulic works preserved in the industrial archaeological park of Campacci di Marmore.


Informazioni sul tour

Il tour include un’intera giornata in Valnerina con soste a Cerreto di Spoleto, Vallo di Nera e Scheggino e visita delle Cascate delle Marmore.

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